Avalon North Point
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Avalon North Point is a transit-oriented residential apartment building in the North Point section of East Cambridge, Massachusetts. The project provides a total of 871 apartment units in four buildings on a 5.7-acre site in immediate proximity to new recreation and subway facilities associated with the proposed redevelopment of the PanAm railroad yards into the Cambridge Crossing project. The project is located adjacent to O’Brien Highway, the Gilmore Bridge, and East Street on former industrial and railroad properties.

Project Services
- Securing permits through the State Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) and Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
- Approval from the City of Cambridge Planning Board
- Transportation Planning to identify the project impact on roadways, subway systems, paratransit services, and pedestrians facilities that would lead to improvements at intersections close to the project
- Optimization of a coordinated traffic signal system
- Project coordination was required with the North Point development team, the MBTA, DCR, and the City of Cambridge Community Development, Traffic, and Engineering staff
- Coordination between the Client, general contractor, roadway sub-contractors, City Staff and VAI during the construction phase for on-site and off-site improvements.
- Continuing Annual Transportation Monitoring to satisfy Cambridge reporting requirements.
Project Managers
F. Giles Ham, P.E.
Scott W, Thornton, P.E.
Project Status
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